Jane Turns 8 Months Old!

6/7/2021 This little sweet wiggly baby girl turned 8 months old today! The same day as her Grandma Walkers birthday! The only thing that would have made it better is if we could have celebrated with grandma! This month Jane made HUGE strides! She crawls, pulls herself up onto things such as the couch, has 4 teeth, loves to sing with mommy, loves attention and people and can not get enough of it, eats all sorts of food and is seriously the happiest baby I know. I’m so lucky to be her mom and to be able to chase her around the house and watch her develop and grow! The blurry moving photos show just how fast this little thing is! Says mama, dada, baba, nana, and all sorts of things we don’t understand yet. She lights up my world! She popped her two front top teeth on this day!

June fun

We have had such an eventful beginning of June! Here are some photos to prove it!

We got Bella a new bed and she refuses to use it! We will be returning it soon. Lol

If you’ve ever wondered what I look like when I’m looking at my phone, here it is! Hahaha also here are some nice clouds.

Jane’s first bath without the tub insert. She loved it! Also here she is while we were playing the next day!

Elder Hunter Duncan (one of our favorite missionaries) came to visit with his parents! It was so fun! We went to Elwood Shack.

Jane with her birthday twin and Leo at a Vegan freezer meal Friday morning. Got my credit card info stolen. We got a new PhotoBerry sign. Shaun trying to feed Jane with a huge spoon. Selfies with my little sweetheart!

Like father like daughter on a Sunday afternoon.

New Windows at the Flip House and Other Shenanigans

We got new windows done at the flip house and they look so beautiful! Now all we need is some new paint on the exterior and inside and a new bathroom and we can call it good.

Bella and Jane playing around today. And the most AMAZING Chicken sandwich Shaun has ever made me. Yummmmmm.

Play date with the Dudley’s today. Jane loves playing with Mabel and Leo and I love hanging out with Emily. It’s a win-win.

End of April Goodies

Jane started teething and a hold appeared for her first tooth! We were really excited for beautiful warm weather.

Jane’s Sleep Regression

So I got so excited learning how to make Jane’s food that I didn’t prepare myself for Jane’s sudden inability to sleep!!! This last week has been awful! The other night she woke up every two hours and would not be consoled without feeding. For some reason “letting her cry it out” feels unnatural to me so despite everyone in the world telling me to do it I am holding off until desperation kicks in. Shaun makes fun of me because I always talk about the Neanderthals and cavemen and what they would do going completely off of instinct. So despite everyone telling me also to never let her sleep in our bed, she gets the best sleep there right now and we will figure it out later. *facepalm

Grandpa and Grandma Walker come for a Visit.

We soaked up all the time we could while grandma and grandpa were here! We went on walks, watched movies, and ate yummy delicious food! Jane was so excited to greet them in the morning and particularly loved laughing and smiling at grandpa’s facial expressions.

She Scoots!!

I should have posted this forever ago but our girl Jane scoots now! She army pulls with her arms and pushes with her legs! She started doing this on April 14, 2021. She can also now semi sit up, she’s still a bit wobbly and I have to be there so she doesn’t face plant as she’s trying to pounce for the next object but she’s growing too fast!

Valerie’s 28th Birthday

What a beautiful day! We celebrated by having yummy roast for dinner and strawberry angel food cake for dessert! I call it my cemetery birthday because we explored Elmwood Cemetery and Dana and Ray bought me a cemetery plot in the Provo City Cemetery. It was a lovely day with my favorite weather! Overcast! My momma called and got me a new shirt, shoes, Andes mints and a book. Shaun got me a new lamp and some shorts. Dana and Ray also got me a HP calligraphy book and Emily got me some flower oils. I loved the phone calls and messages I received as well. I am truly blessed to be surrounded by people I love.

Tonight Jane woke up after she fell asleep and was on one laughing and smiling at everything. I loved it!

Spring Break in Utah

First day in Utah (Tuesday March 30) we spent with Dana and Ray going around to all of Shaun’s siblings to spend time with them! Jane got to meet Avery and Ross! Her two cousins born around the same time! She loved every minute!

Second day in Utah, mom picked me up from Orem and we went to eat at Asian Star! It was so fun! We also went on a walk around the neighborhood when we got to Tooele.

Day 3 in Utah (Thursday) I finally returned da kick a da cheat back to my EFY buddies after like 8 years. We went shopping at the mall! Jane got to meet Great Grandma Wainwright and Michael and Bunny, Aunt Shelly, Aubrey, Brooklyn and family at Leatherby’s.

Day 4 in Utah we went to the park and got smoothies at Janna’s Java, had a 4 generation shoot taken by Holland and Sami came to meet Jane!

Day 5 Krista and Dale came to meet Jane before I flew back to Memphis. We are watching our friends dog Indie so we took the dogs on a walk and Shaun made me red beans and rice. It was sad to leave Utah but I missed my honey and Bella.

Jane’s First Easter

Jane’s first Easter was so fun! Shaun got me an Easter Basket and it was so sweet! Jane got a tin egg for future Easter fun and a bunny and two books from Grandma Cheatham. We went to the Evans for dinner and the second session of conference and it was wonderful. Surely a day to remember.

Extra March Goodies

From Walks to fun outfits we had a great month! Here are some extra goodies to look at!

Jane Loves Turning

Jane knows how to turn in circles now. She’s getting so big and learning so much. She also recently loves to babble and stick her tongue out. She loves smiling and having fun.

A crazy storm hit and we have been hearing tornado sirens, loud thunder, and crazy amounts of rain. It’s been fun to see our rooms light up with lightning too.

A crazy storm hit and we have been hearing tornado sirens, loud thunder, and crazy amounts of rain. It’s been fun to see our rooms light up with lightning too.

Mom and Jane’s hands. Took this at Women’s conference earlier today.

Mom and Jane’s hands. Took this at Women’s conference earlier today.

Some Extra March Memories

3/14/2021 Jane falling asleep holding my hand

3/14/2021 Jane falling asleep holding my hand

3/13/2021 silly girl eating her toes right before a bath.

3/13/2021 silly girl eating her toes right before a bath.

3/13/2021 Finally got to see the Memphis Bauhaus and it was very cool. In kind of a scary area though.

3/13/2021 Finally got to see the Memphis Bauhaus and it was very cool. In kind of a scary area though.

3/12/2021 got to see Charles and his girlfriend Meghan. Charles used to be one of Shaun’s youth in Memphis 1st.

3/12/2021 got to see Charles and his girlfriend Meghan. Charles used to be one of Shaun’s youth in Memphis 1st.

My silly girl always trying to eat those feet. 3/11/2021

My silly girl always trying to eat those feet. 3/11/2021

3/10/2021 About to go on a fun walk, she loves this carrier.

3/10/2021 About to go on a fun walk, she loves this carrier.

3/10/2021 in the mornings I usually pull her into bed with me. My little love!

3/10/2021 in the mornings I usually pull her into bed with me. My little love!

3/9/2021 Bath time with mommy.

3/9/2021 Bath time with mommy.

Spring has Sprung

I’m writing this in between the two sleeping sweethearts of my life, Jane and Shaun. Today was hard, but it was beautiful! Jane decided to need me a lot and I let her need me. Because time is passing quickly and she deserves my time. Today was also so beautiful. I went on a walk finally, I’ve been waiting all weekend to go walking and enjoy the blooms that have adorned the trees. I’m so grateful for this beautiful life I’m living. I couldn’t be more blessed to share it with Shaun, Jane, and Bella.

I get to see this sweet smile all the day long.

I get to see this sweet smile all the day long.

She fell asleep on my lap today.

She fell asleep on my lap today.

International Women’s Day and Melting Potatoes

Holland sent me this Snapchat and it made my day!

Made a new recipe today and it was a hit. Called Melting Potatoes, soft like mashed potatoes on the inside and crispy on the outside.

Made a new recipe today and it was a hit. Called Melting Potatoes, soft like mashed potatoes on the inside and crispy on the outside.

Jane’s First Cereal

Jane had her first cereal tonight and loved eating off of a spoon. She was a natural at it and seemed to enjoy it! Not sure if I did it right but her tummy was hurting right before bed and I can’t help but wonder if it was because of the new food. We may hold off for another couple of weeks and see what happens.


Jane is 5 Months Old!

Jane is 5 months old today! She is such a joy and has been learning so much! She learned how to roll from back to front and spit bubbles and babble and chew her toes. Bella is her favorite! Bella can always make her laugh. It’s so sweet! It’s been so fun watching this sweet thing grow! I’m one lucky momma!